Bird feeding is one of the most popular hobbies today. Whether you are a beginning hobbyist or an experienced birder, the abundance of bird feeder styles and types can be a bit overwhelming. Main types of seed feeders include hopper, tube, and platform feeders. Hummingbird feeders can be divided into bottle, dish, or vacuum style feeders. Other types of feeders not designed for seed include suet and fruit feeders.
The design of the feeder you need depends upon what birds you wish to feed, and what type of feed you want to use. The majority of songbirds dine on different types of seed to supplement their natural diet. Most songbirds use platform or tube feeders. Platform feeders sit somewhat above the ground and accommodate both ground feeders and clinging birds. Tube feeders often offer perches and several seed ports for perching and clinging birds. Hopper feeders usually feature a catch tray and perches, for both ground feeders and non-perching birds to dine comfortably.
More specialized feeders, such as nectar, fruit, and suet feeders, attract select types of birds, such as hummingbirds, orioles, and woodpeckers. For more information on what type of feeder is right for you, you may want to visit our Learning Center for a more in depth look at
Types of Bird Feeders.