Newsletter Archives Newsletter
October 2000, Issue A

The Newsletter offers fascinating content on backyard birding and wildlife conservation as well as information about upcoming specials, additional online content, and new product offerings.

IN THIS ISSUE: has over doubled the number of products we stock since last month's newsletter. We've added several new manufacturers - including Heath, Nature House Inc, and Lonestar Purple Martin. We now offer purple martin houses and have epxanded many existing product lines! We have also lowered our shipping and product pricing on many items. Check out all we have to offer at!

A: You've probably enjoyed the entertainment that bathing and preening birds provide at your summer bath. You'll continue to find pleasure in providing bath water through the winter months as well. The water that you supply in the winter is vital through the colder months when alternative sources are frozen or sealed off. In the winter when water is scarce, birds often eat snow to get water. A source of unfrozen water will help the birds to conserve energy (the energy required to thaw the snow). As well, birds will continue to use the water for bathing, which is vital for maintaining the insulating properties of birds' plumage. To prevent bird water from freezing, many bird enthusiast boil a kettle of water each morning to pour in their plastic or metal bath. (Ceramic and terra-cotta baths will crack on freezing.) As well, there are a variety of submersible heaters that are available at your local garden center that will prevent freezing for only pennies a month.

CONGRATULATIONS to Betsy Silverman! You are the winner in our September 2000 monthly drawing and won a new Garden Song Bird Feeder! To claim your prize, please send an email to [email protected] and include your address information and telephone number. We will follow-up with a phone call to verify your address information and identity. Congratulations!

Next month, our winner will receive a new Heath Fruit Feeder!

As a subscriber to the Newsletter, you will be automatically entered into our drawing for free merchandise. Every month, we will announce a new monthly winner in our newsletter. The winner will be announced by First and Last name and must claim the prize within 30 days of notification. For more information about our giveaway, please visit

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